Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hashbrown Casserole

I got this recipe from a homeschool recipe swap years ago. It's good< color="#cc9933">1 to 2 lbs frozen hashbrowns
8 strips of bacon - cooked and crumbled
1 can cream of celery soup
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
1 stick of butter, melted
1 tsp salt
1 TBS minced onion
1/2 tsp pepper
1 1/2 TBS minced parsley
Thaw hashbrowns. Combine all ingredients except hashbrowns. Then stir in just enouth hasbrowns to make the mixture look even. Too many hashbrowns will make it dry. Not enough will make it runny. 1 to 1 1/2 lbs is usually just right. Bake in greased casserole dish at 350* for 1 hour.

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